Thank you for being here. Grab a chair and look around .... Questions? The chat is always available.

Starting a small business can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance and support, it can be done. And that's where I come in, I'll be there every step of the way, providing knowledge and support, but also a good laugh, making the journey a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable. So, let's have some fun and start your business today!

PAS - The Profit Acceleration Software

In 45-60 minutes, I'll reveal the secret spots in your business that are leaking profits faster than a cheese grater! Let's turn those financial frowns upside down and get you on the path to success!

Dip your toes in the water and give it a test run for a nominal fee. It's a low-risk way to discover the hidden treasures that await you! So, let's kickstart your journey to greatness and see where this adventure takes us!

This button will bring you to the payment section and than my calendar.

P.S. No availability you like? Email me at

Looking forward talking to you

The Best E-Learning System for Businesses

Before you run off again, hold on your hat's, 'cause this ain't your grandma's business course!

With this one, you can kiss that fancy MBA goodbye and still learn everything you need to know about running a successful business!

And if you're worried about breaking the bank, fear not! We offer membership options that won't break your piggy bank. Choose your adventure with our flexible options, whether you prefer to go it alone, or rock it out with a gang of like-minded entrepreneurs.

And the best part? We won't ghost you after you sign up!

So what are you waiting for? Click that link and let's get this party started!

Show Me More

What's the deal with my online presence - did it go on a virtual vacation without me?

Going online might seem like a breeze, but generally it's more like a virtual marathon!

Not only does it take up a ton of time, but the results can be as disappointing as a soggy slice of pizza.

But in less time than it takes to binge-watch your favorite show, I can show you what's going wrong and help you take the first step to change it up!

And the best part? It's completely free, so you've got nothing to lose except your online woes!

So why not make an appointment and give it a try? Just hit that button and let's get started!

P.S. No availability you like? Email me at

Let's Connect

Get My Book "Lost Money" For Free

"LOST MONEY" is all about business breakthrough strategies. And it doesn't cost you a dime. It only gives you some inside knowledge, because these strategies I bore you to dead with inside the book, can be used to increase a small business' revenue by $10k to $50k in less than 45 minutes.

You think you can use that? Just hit that link, get the knowledge and make it useful :-)